Lazarus & Free Pascal

Install From Source Batch-File

This Batch-File does anything for you to get Lazarus and Free Pascal from SVN-Source and compile it, only SilkSvn must be installed and you have to change the path in Line 6 of the Batch-File. You can take this Batch-File for updates too.

To get a large Win32 development environment with Win64- and linux- Cross-compiler and some additional packages you have only to start the following Batch-File. If you want only a Win32 development environment without any additional packages you call the Batch-File with parameter "min"!

@echo off
echo Install/Update Lazarus
cd \
set THUMBDRIVE=%CD:~0,2%
set fpcVersion=2.5.1
set silkSvn=%THUMBDRIVE%\SlikSvn
set svnPath=%silkSvn%\bin
if not exist %silkSvn%\NUL (
md %silkSvn%
echo be shure you have downloaded SilkSvn from to dir %silkSvn% pause
set PATH=%svnPath%;%PATH%
set lazPath=%THUMBDRIVE%\lazarus
if exist %lazPath%\NUL (
echo Lazarus svn update, please wait ...
cd %lazPath%
svn update
) else (
echo Lazarus svn checkout, please wait ...
svn checkout lazarus
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
echo be shure you have downloaded SilkSvn from to dir %silkSvn%
goto Cleanup
set lazDataPath=%lazPath%\AppData
if not exist %lazDataPath%\NUL
md %lazDataPath%
set fpcPath=%lazPath%\fpc
if not exist %fpcPath%\NUL
md %fpcPath%
set fpcVersionPath=%fpcPath%\%fpcVersion%
set fpcBinPath=%fpcVersionPath%\bin\i386-win32
set PATH=%fpcVersionPath%;%lazDataPath%;%fpcBinPath%;%PATH%
if exist %fpcVersionPath%\NUL (
echo Free Pascal svn update, please wait ...
cd %fpcVersionPath% svn update
) else (
echo Free Pascal svn checkout, please wait ...
cd %fpcPath%
svn checkout %fpcVersion%
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 goto Cleanup
if not exist %fpcBinPath%\NUL (
if not exist %fpcVersionPath%\bin\NUL
md %fpcVersionPath%\bin
cd %fpcVersionPath%\bin
echo Free Pascal Build Binarys svn checkout, please wait ...
svn checkout i386-win32
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 echo SVN checkout failed!
for /F "tokens=*" %%G IN ('DIR /B /AD /S %fpcBinPath%\*.svn*') DO RMDIR /S /Q "%%G"
echo Free Pascal Bin Utils svn checkout, please wait ...
svn checkout i386-win32
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0
echo SVN checkout failed!
for /F "tokens=*" %%G IN ('DIR /B /AD /S %fpcBinPath%\*.svn*') DO RMDIR /S /Q "%%G"
echo get
cd %fpcBinPath%
goto ppc386
if "%1"=="min" goto noPackages
if exist %fpcPath%\fpcprojects\NUL (
echo Free Pascal Projects svn update, please wait ...
cd %fpcPath%\fpcprojects svn update
) else (
echo Free Pascal Projects svn checkout, please wait ...
cd %fpcPath%
svn checkout fpcprojects
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 echo SVN update/checkout failed!
if exist %fpcPath%\fpcdocs\NUL (
echo Free Pascal Docs svn update, please wait ...
cd %fpcPath%\fpcdocs svn update
) else (
echo Free Pascal Docs svn checkout, please wait ...
cd %fpcPath% svn checkout fpcdocs
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 echo SVN update/checkout failed!
if exist %lazPath%\lazarus-ccr\NUL (
echo Lazarus-CCR svn update, please wait ...
cd %lazPath%\lazarus-ccr svn update
) else (
echo Lazarus-CCR svn checkout, please wait ...
cd %lazPath% svn checkout lazarus-ccr
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 echo SVN update/checkout failed!
set packagesPath=%lazPath%\packages
if not exist %lazPath%\packages\NUL
md %packagesPath%
if exist %packagesPath%\lazupdater\NUL (
echo Lazarus Updater svn update, please wait ...
cd %packagesPath%\lazupdater svn update
) else (
echo Lazarus Updater svn checkout, please wait ...
cd %packagesPath%
svn checkout lazupdater
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 echo SVN update/checkout failed!
if exist %packagesPath%\lnet\NUL (
echo lnet svn update, please wait ...
cd %packagesPath%\lnet svn update
) else (
echo lnet svn checkout, please wait ...
cd %packagesPath%
svn checkout lnet
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 echo SVN update/checkout failed!
if exist %packagesPath%\powtils\NUL (
echo Lazarus Powtils svn update, please wait ...
cd %packagesPath%\powtils svn update
) else (
echo Lazarus Powtils svn update, please wait ...
cd %packagesPath% svn checkout powtils
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 echo SVN update/checkout failed!
if exist %packagesPath%\Indy\NUL (
echo Indy svn update, please wait ...
cd %packagesPath%\Indy
svn update
) else (
echo Indy svn checkout, please wait ...
cd %packagesPath% svn checkout Indy --username Indy-Public-RO
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 echo SVN update/checkout failed!
if exist %packagesPath%\Jedi_jcl\NUL (
echo Jedi JCL svn update, please wait ...
cd %packagesPath%\Jedi_jcl
svn update
) else (
echo Jedi JCL svn checkout, please wait ...
cd %packagesPath%
svn checkout Jedi_jcl
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0
echo SVN update/checkout failed!
if exist %packagesPath%\Jedi_jvcl\NUL (
echo Jedi JVCL svn update, please wait ...
cd %packagesPath%\Jedi_jvcl
svn update
) else (
echo Jedi JVCL svn checkout, please wait ...
cd %packagesPath%
svn checkout Jedi_jvcl
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 echo SVN update/checkout failed!
if exist %packagesPath%\OverbyteIcs\NUL (
echo Overbyte ICS svn update, please wait ...
cd %packagesPath%\OverbyteIcs
svn update
) else (
echo Overbyte ICS svn checkout, please wait ...
cd %packagesPath%
svn checkout OverbyteIcs --username ics --password ics
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 echo SVN update/checkout failed!
echo install fpc i386-win32, please wait ...
cd %fpcVersionPath%
if exist %fpcBinPath%\fpc.exe (
set compiler=fpc.exe
) else (
set compiler=ppc386.exe
make clean all install OS_TARGET=win32 CPU_TARGET=i386 INSTALL_PREFIX=%fpcVersionPath% PP=%compiler% > NUL
if not exist %fpcBinPath%\fpc.cfg (
echo create fpc.cfg
cd %fpcBinPath%
fpcmkcfg -d basepath=%fpcVersionPath% -o fpc.cfg
) cd %fpcVersionPath%
if "%1"=="min" goto noFpcCross
echo crossinstall fpc x86_64-win64, please wait ...
make clean all crossinstall OS_TARGET=win64 CPU_TARGET=x86_64 INSTALL_PREFIX=%fpcVersionPath% PP=fpc.exe > NUL
echo crossinstall fpc i386-linux, please wait ...
make clean all crossinstall OS_TARGET=linux CPU_TARGET=i386 INSTALL_PREFIX=%fpcVersionPath% PP=fpc.exe > NUL
:noFpcCross echo cleanup, please wait ...
make clean > NUL FOR /F "tokens=*" %%G IN ('DIR /B /AD /S %fpcVersionPath%\examples\*.svn*') DO RMDIR /S /Q "%%G"
echo install lazarus win32, please wait ...
cd %lazPath%
make clean all OPT="-glw2" > NUL
echo make lcl / ide win32, please wait ...
make lazbuilder OPT="-Xs -XX" PP=fpc.exe > NUL
if "%1"=="min" goto noLazCross
echo make lcl win64, please wait ...
make lcl OPT="-Xs -XX" LCL_PLATFORM=win32 PP=fpc.exe CPU_TARGET=x86_64 OS_TARGET=win64 > NUL
make lcl OPT="-Xs -XX" LCL_PLATFORM=nogui PP=fpc.exe CPU_TARGET=x86_64 OS_TARGET=win64 > NUL
echo make lcl linux, please wait ...
rem make lcl OPT="-Xs -XX" LCL_PLATFORM=gtk2 PP=fpc.exe CPU_TARGET=i386 OS_TARGET=linux > NUL
make lcl OPT="-Xs -XX" LCL_PLATFORM=nogui PP=fpc.exe CPU_TARGET=i386 OS_TARGET=linux > NUL
echo build ide
if exist lazarus.exe (
if exist lazarus.old.exe (
del lazarus.old.exe
ren lazarus.exe lazarus.old.exe
lazbuild -B --primary-config-path=%lazDataPath% --build-ide= > NUL
ren lazarus.exe
echo strip and upx, please wait ...
strip --strip-all lazarus.exe > NUL
upx lazarus.exe > NUL
strip --strip-all startlazarus.exe > NUL
upx startlazarus.exe > NUL
strip --strip-all lazbuild.exe > NUL
upx lazbuild.exe > NUL
echo make lazarus examples, please wait ...
cd %lazPath%\examples
make > NUL goto Exit
echo Something went wrong, trying to fix any problems if possible ...
svn cleanup
if %errorlevel% NEQ 0 (
cd ..
echo Cleanup Failed ! Please check or delete/move/rename the subdirectory ...
FOR /F "tokens=*" %%G IN ('DIR /B /AD /S %fpcVersionPath%\examples\*.svn*') DO RMDIR /S /Q "%%G"
goto Exit
cd \ echo.
echo Cleanup complete please run the script again.
echo ---- ENDE ----
pause exit /b
ftp -i -s:"%~f0"&goto:ppcunzip
open anonymous password
cd pub/fpc/dist/2.4.0/bootstrap binary
disconnect bye


Udo Schmal
Udo Schmal

Udo Schmal
Ellerndiek 26
24837 Schleswig

+49 4621 9785538
+49 1575 0663676
+49 4621 9785539

Google Maps Profile
Instagram Profile
vCard 2.1, vCard 3.0, vCard 4.0

Service Infos

CMS Info

Product Name:
UDOs Webserver
All in one Webserver
Udo Schmal
Fri, 26. Jul 2024 08:01:40

Development Info

Free Pascal FPC 3.3.1
compiled for:
OS:Linux, CPU:x86_64

System Info

Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)

Hardware Info

Hewlett-Packard HP Pavilion dm4 Notebook PC
CPU Name:
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2430M CPU @ 2.40GHz
CPU Type:
x86_64, 1 physical CPU(s), 2 Core(s), 4 logical CPU(s),  MHz