JSMin - JavaScript Minifier jsmin.pas Pascal (7,76 kByte) 18.10.2016 16:55 // ***************************************************************************** // Title.............. : Javascript Minify Function // // Modulname ......... : jsmin.pas // Type .............. : Unit (Library) // Author ............ : Udo Schmal // Development Status : 18.05.2016 // Operating System .. : Win32/64 // IDE ............... : Delphi & Lazarus // ***************************************************************************** unit jsmin; {$ifdef FPC} {$mode objfpc} {$endif} {$H+} interface uses SysUtils, Classes; function JSMin(const input: RawByteString): RawByteString; procedure JSMinFile(jsFile: string); implementation Resourcestring SErrUnterminatedComment = 'Unterminated comment.'; SErrUnterminatedStringLiteral = 'Unterminated string literal.'; SErrUnterminatedSetInRegexp = 'Unterminated set in Regular Expression literal.'; SerrUnterminatedRegexp = 'Unterminated Regular Expression literal.'; function JSMin(const input: RawByteString): RawByteString; var c1, c2: char; iChar, iPos, len: integer; procedure add(c: char); begin if c<>#0 then begin inc(iPos); result[iPos] := c; end; end; // isAlphanum -- return true if the character is a letter, digit, underscore, // dollar sign, or non-ASCII character. function isAlphanum(ch: char): boolean; begin result := (ch in ['a'..'z','0'..'9','A'..'Z','_', '$', '\']) or (ord(ch)>126); end; // getChar -- return the next character // convert control characters, translate it to a space or linefeed. function getChar(movePtr: boolean = true): char; begin if (iChar > len) then // eof result := #$1A else begin result := input[iChar]; if movePtr then inc(iChar); // move reading pointer if (result = #13) then begin // only unix linefeed if movePtr then begin if (input[iChar] = #10) then inc(iChar); end else begin if (input[iChar+1] = #10) then inc(iChar); end; result := #10 end else if (result < ' ') and (result <> #10) then // change other control characters for example the tab #9 to space result := ' '; end; end; // getSigChar -- get the next significant character // excluding comments but respect important comments procedure getSigChar(); var bLoop: boolean; begin c2 := getChar(); if c2 = '/' then case getChar(false) of '/': while (c2 > #10) do // comment until eol c2 := getChar(); '*': begin // comment until */ inc(iChar); // move reading pointer if (getChar(false) = '!') then begin // important comment add(c2); add('*'); inc(iChar); // move reading pointer add('!'); bLoop := true; while bLoop do begin c2 := getChar(); case c2 of '*': if (getChar(false) = '/') then begin add(c2); inc(iChar); // move reading pointer add('/'); c2 := getChar(); if c2 = #10 then // save linefeed afer important comment add(c2); bLoop := false; end else add(c2); #$1A: raise Exception.Create(SErrUnterminatedComment); else add(c2); end; end; end else // unimportant comment while c2 <> #$20 do case getChar() of '*': if (getChar(false) = '/') then begin inc(iChar); // move reading pointer c2 := #$20; // handle comment as a space end; #$1A: raise Exception.Create(SErrUnterminatedComment); end; end; end; end; // getNextChar -- get next significant char // solve regular expressions procedure getNextChar(); begin getSigChar(); if (c2 = '/') and (c1 in ['(',',','=',':','[','!','&','|','?','{','}',';',#$0A]) then begin // it is a regular expression add(c1); add(c2); while true do begin c1 := getChar(); if c1 = '[' then // bracket - range of characters while true do begin add(c1); c1 := getChar(); if c1 = ']' then // end of rage of characters break else if c1 = '\' then begin // metacharacter add(c1); c1 := getChar(); end; if c1 = #$1A then raise Exception.Create(SerrUnterminatedRegexp); end else if c1 = '/' then // end of regular expression break else if c1 = '\' then begin // metacharacter add(c1); c1 := getChar(); end else if(c1 <= #10) then raise Exception.Create(SErrUnterminatedSetInRegexp); add(c1); end; getSigChar(); end; end; var space: boolean; begin result := ''; try len := length(input); setLength(result, len); iPos := 0; if (len > 2) and (input[1] = #$ef) and (input[2] = #$bb) and (input[3] = #$bf) then begin // don't replace utf-8 BOM iChar := 4; add(#$ef); add(#$bb); add(#$bf); end else iChar := 1; c1 := #0; getNextChar(); while(c1 <> #$1A) do begin space := false; case c1 of ' ': if isAlphanum(c2) then add(c1); #10: case c2 of '{', '[', '(', '+', '-': add(c1); ' ': space := true; else if isAlphanum(c2) then add(c1); end else case c2 of ' ': if isAlphanum(c1) then add(c1) else space := true; #10: case c1 of '}', ']', ')', '+', '-', '"', '''': add(c1); else if isAlphanum(c1) then add(c1) else space := true; end; else add(c1); end; end; if not space then begin c1 := c2; if (c1 = '''') or (c1 = '"') then // it is a string literal while true do begin add(c1); c1 := getChar(); if (c1 = c2) then break else if(c1 <= #10) then raise Exception.Create(SErrUnterminatedStringLiteral) else if(c1 = '\') then begin // it has a masked character add(c1); c1 := getChar(); end; end; end; getNextChar(); end; setLength(result, iPos); except result := input; end; end; procedure JSMinFile(jsFile: string); var stream: TMemoryStream; sText: RawByteString; begin stream := TMemoryStream.Create; try stream.LoadFromFile(jsFile); setLength(sText, stream.Size); stream.Read(sText[1], stream.Size); sText := JSMin(sText); if length(sText) > 0 then begin stream.Clear; stream.Write(sText[1], length(sText)); stream.SaveToFile(ChangeFileExt(jsFile, '.min' + ExtractFileExt(jsFile))); end; finally stream.Free; end; end; end. Author: Udo Schmal, published: 22.06.2012, last modified: 04.06.2021